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Little Fireface Project
Cipaganti, West Java

Discover the Wildlife Friendly®️ Coffee project in Cipaganti, West Java. Through our partnership with the Little Fireface Project, we source shade-grown Specialty Arabica coffee directly from local farmers who are dedicated to conserving the endangered Javan slow loris and its habitat.

slow loris
Kindred Forest

Wildlife Friendly®️ coffee

Led by Professor Anna Nekaris OBE, this Wildlife Friendly Coffee project is a collaboration between the Little Fireface Project (LFP) and Anglia Ruskin University.

The coffee is grown across 60 hectares of interconnected home gardens under native trees. The LFP Wildlife-Friendly Coffee program uses natural pesticides, organic fertilisers, and agroforestry practices to enhance coffee quality and support local producers while protecting wildlife.

Process and harvest

Grown at 1450 masl under the shade of native canopy, this coffee is cultivated and processed according to age-old techniques. We've selected the natural process which beautifully brings about the clean and juicy flavours of the coffee. The process involves drying the coffee for over 20 days, leaving the fruit on the bean while it dries until the moisture content reaches 12% and then leaving it to rest for more than a month.

Scientific research and impact

Professor Anna Nekaris OBE, Dr. Marco Campera, Dr. Sophie Manson, Katey Hedger and researchers from Indonesian universities have spent a decade studying how biodiversity and agroforestry can boost yields and coffee prices. Their findings, published in over 20 international journals, highlight the benefits of wildlife-friendly practices.

Since December 2019, a complete hunting and littering ban has been in effect, thanks to local farmers' efforts. The LFP team has also launched educational programs and is opening a local coffee shop to promote sustainability and coffee culture.

Reinvesting in conservation

The Cipaganti coffee gardens play a crucial role in preserving the Gunung Papandayan Protected Forest and its wildlife. This agroforestry system helps prevent deforestation and habitat loss.

We reinvest 20% of profits into the Little Fireface Project, supporting ongoing research and conservation. Every cup of Cipaganti coffee helps protect the Javan slow loris and its habitat, showcasing how sustainable farming and wildlife conservation can thrive together.

Ingredients for Cisurupan, Indonesia Speciality Arabica Coffee

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